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Trusts and Foundations

Age International engages with both UK and European Trusts and Foundations. If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch today. 

Eye care programme in Haiti

Trusts & Foundations are vital to our work with people who are ageing around the world. Support from Trusts and Foundations helps us to:

Implement long-term, sustainable development projects
Either large-scale programmes (like our Better Healthcare in Africa programme), or small-scale development projects (like our eye camps and mobility aids in Tanzania).

Respond to Emergencies
Older people are often incredibly vulnerable during emergencies. They might have difficulties fleeing a situation, moving around in a temporary camp environment and in getting to aid distribution points. Even a small donation can help us ensure older people’s basic needs can be met in a crisis situation.

Thank you to all of the Trusts and Foundations who currently support us. Without you, we could not do all that we do for older people.

What Trusts & Foundations have achieved with us

The World Diabetes Foundation has collaborated with Age International since 2009 and together our organisations have strived to enhance diabetes prevention and care for diabetes patients in Kyrgyzstan.

Romanova Tatiana taken by Malik Alymkulov

'I had little information about this condition before' - Romanova (72) 

Diabetes is a growing threat to the population of Kyrgyzstan, which is one of the poorest countries in Central Asia. Thanks to support from the World Diabetes Foundation, we have been able to launch a number of diabetes self-help groups for people living with the condition.

As a result, we have enhanced awareness about the disease with both the general population and amongst policymakers.

Ministry of Health meeting taken by Malik Alymkulov

Older people involved in the programme meet with Ministry of Health representatives

What you could achieve

£1,000 could build a house for an older person - making sure they have a safe and comfortable place to live

£4,000 could train 50 volunteer carers - providing vital 'at home' support to those who need it most

£8,000 could buy 100 basic food packs, to feed 100 families for one whole month during a food crisis

£10,000 could support 50 older people to launch small businesses - our financial investment & business training helps people to earn more money and move away from physically gruelling labour

£20,000 could launch 20 older people’s clubs - clubs give out micro-credit, run exercise classes and health education, facilitate health check-ups, distribute mobility aids, and strengthen social networks for people who might otherwise be lonely

£40,000 could provide medical care for older people in the most remote communities, for a whole year

£50,000 could help 2,000 people see again - giving someone an eye operation means more than restoring their sight... it means restoring their dignity and independence, too

What we can offer you

  • A dedicated donor account manager as point of contact
  • Tailored support to suit you
  • Newsletter updates
  • Regular events and sharing of relevant reports and publications

Contact our team today

Get in touch with our Programme Development & Funding team.

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Last updated: May 29 2024

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