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Older people have a voice and must be heard. Read about how we put older people first in our work across the globe to fight ageism and gender equality, protect income and healthcare access and provide humanitarian response in times of crises.

Read our 2024 manifesto

Across the world, older people continually demonstrate they are resilient and have much to offer. Yet they experience daily violations of their rights, are too often denied access to work and healthcare, and are prevented from participating fully in society. 

Ahead of the UK's forthcoming General Election, Age International presents five calls to action the next UK Government can take to create a fairer world for all older people. Learn more in our latest interactive feature.

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Universal Health Coverage For All Ages

The world is ageing as people live longer than ever before. Despite this, healthcare systems are not meeting the basic needs of older people. Age International's report makes the case for healthcare which is genuinely inclusive of older people, reaching them in their community.

Find out more in this interactive feature.

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Expert voices

As they age, older people find themselves forgotten, ignored and invisible - by governments and organisations alike. It is time for change. It is time to take all ages into account. Read what experts in the field of ageing and international development have to say and what we are doing to influence decision makers

5 things you need to know about older women’s work

For our report, Older women: the hidden workforce we’ve listened to the voices of older women across the globe, including Ethiopia and Malawi, who work tirelessly for their communities and families. 

This is what they need you to know

Gaza Humanitarian Appeal

Older people in Gaza desperately need your help.


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