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In pictures: Better healthcare for older people in rural Tanzania

Our programme with HelpAge Tanzania and Jersey Overseas Aid is working to strengthen the healthcare provision in two of the most rural districts of Tanzania, Korogwe and Magu, where healthcare services can often be far away and hard to reach. The programme aims to raise awareness of healthy ageing and common health problems and ensure older people have access to timely diagnosis and treatment.

Check out some of the activities we have carried out with our in-country partners, AFRIWAG and MAPERCE:

We provide a health outreach service so that older people who would otherwise have to travel great distances via poorly maintained roads can access screening and treatment for health conditions. Here, an older woman attends a check-up.
A home-based carer attending older people in the rural Magu district. For older people with limited mobility or funds to travel to appointments, good home-based care is essential.
An older man attends an eye test as part of screening for eye diseases in the health outreach programme.
Older people exercising at an Active Ageing Club. These clubs, set up through the programme, provide a space for older people to come together, exercise and learn about good health and nutrition.
Older members of an Active Ageing Club weave baskets using local materials. By making and selling these baskets, members can earn an income and help fund group activities.
Members of an Older People’s Monitoring Group attend a training in Korogwe. Through the programme, older people learn how to collect and analyse data on access to healthcare in their area and lobby for improvements.
Part of the programme has included conducting an awareness campaign on older people’s health and long-term conditions – including through media engagement, such as with Tanga Television, above.
With the arrival of the global pandemic in March 2020, the programme mobilised to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, distributing personal protective equipment and wash kits.
An older woman in Magu washes her hands after receiving instructions on preventing the spread of coronavirus through the programme.
We also conducted interviews with older people to better understand how the coronavirus pandemic is impacting them and what their needs are, so that we can better help and advocate for them.

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Last updated: Mar 01 2022

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