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In their own words: What our COVID response in India meant to older people

In April 2021, the second wave of coronavirus threatened to overwhelm India. Many older people were stranded at home under lockdown, scared and alone, and struggling to earn a living and afford or access food and daily essentials. But thanks to donations to the DEC appeal, our partners were able to be there for them.

Our partner in Rajasthan, GRAVIS, helps thousands of older people through its outreach programmes, and when the second wave struck, they worked around the clock to reach older people in need. They provided thousands of older people with food and other support, as well as supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) to 150 health workers to prevent the spread of the virus. Some of the older people who were helped told us what the support meant to them.

Ganga, 71, Jetdasar village


“This help at this difficult time has been a huge relief for me and for my family. We were without food and without any cash and the support came as big hope. I will not forget this life-saving support for my entire life. We feel saved.”

Kamal, 70, Andasar village

“When no one was there to help, I received your support. Food supplies for our diet for more than a month were received and cash to buy medicines and for going to the health centre. We feel safer and taken care of. No words are enough to say thank you. God bless you.”

Mohani and Ramchandra, 69 and 72, Lumaniya village

“My family was having a very tough time. There was no food, no money and nowhere to go. My husband is ill and mostly bedridden. The help with food and cash filled us with satisfaction. We can have two meals a day and can get some medicines and other items. It was beyond our belief that help will reach us. Thanks to the GRAVIS team”

India Coronavirus Response

More on our emergency response in India as the country faced a deadly second wave of coronavirus.

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Last updated: Apr 21 2022

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