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In their own words: Zaina and Bibi's stories

In Tanzania, we have partnered with two local organisations, the African Women Aids Working Group and the Magu Poverty Focus on Older People Rehabilitation Centre, to help improve the health and wellbeing of thousands of older people and those with disabilities.

Ms Zaina,78, is a member of one of the Active Ageing clubs, where older men and women with disabilities are encouraged to use their skills, knowledge and talents to become more independent.

“I was suffering from numbness in my feet, gout, diabetes, blood pressure, and pains in my joints. My great challenge was my inability to even go to fetch water because of my legs. In July 2020 I joined the Active Ageing club after being invited by our leader. I am now highly appreciative to our doctor (physiotherapist) who coordinates our exercise two times a week. He also gives us health education at the end of the exercises. This club has changed my life and now I can go to fetch water and perform farm activities as I used to do before. I thank all who made this possible.”

Bibi, 72, lives in a small house made of mud with a roof of coconut leaves. In 2002 an accident led to the death of her husband and three children. She told us about the accident and the help she received through Age International and our partners.

“I was taken to the hospital unconscious and after intensive care from the doctor my condition stabilised. I was in a great shock and when I realized that I was alone, my heart started misbehaving, leading to severe blood pressure and depression. Nothing was done by the doctor and rather than admitting me again, I stayed in the hospital almost three weeks before I got a referral back to home. I was visited by Home Based Care Provider who lives near my house. She connected me with primary Health Workers who serve older people with continuum counselling and treatment. I am in much better health now. I do not have depression any more or high blood pressure. I am also physically fit again.”

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Last updated: Apr 21 2021

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