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Living in lockdown: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Birhanu Wolde AmanueI, 76-years-old

Birhanu Wolde AmanueI, 76-years-old, lives in Addis Ababa, in the Kolfe Keraniyo sub-city. He came to the capital from Menagesha in 1964 to get a medical care as he had a terrible leg sickness. Life in Addis Ababa is very challenging with Birhanu’s earnings depending on petty trade; in order to survive he sells different small items like ropes and capes on the street, however, it is still difficult for him to subsist without the support of generous people in his village.

Birhanu told us that he heard a lot about coronavirus from the radio and follows all the precautions that he heard, regularly washing his hands avoiding anything that may risk him catching the virus.

It has now been months since Birhanu’s community heard about coronavirus cases in their country. The items for his street trade have became very expensive since then and there are less customers on the street so currently he cannot earn money.

Thanks to organisations like our partner in Ethiopia, Tesfa Social Development Association, and generous people living around him, it is possible for Birhanu to survive. When we spoke to Birhanu, that day he had collected items including food, soaps, sanitizers and alcohol from Tesfa. “I am so grateful for that. Thank you for all who made this possible.

To read what we are doing to help people like Birhanu in Ethiopia click here.

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Last updated: Mar 01 2022

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