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Photo series: Reaching older people in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp, part 3

Our Age-Friendly spaces in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar, the world’s biggest refugee camp, are a lifeline to older Rohingya refugees. Fleeing their homes from conflict in Myanmar was devasting enough and when coronavirus reached the camp last year, it brought a renewed fear and despair.

Together with our partners, HelpAge International, we have provided Age-Friendly Spaces to older refugees for several years. The spaces provide healthcare, psychological support and a safe space. When the pandemic hit, the spaces were used to help older people protect themselves from the virus and prevent its spread through information and support.

Last year, Dhaka-based visual journalist Fabeha Monir documented the effects of COVID-19 on older people in Cox's Bazar refugee camps and the impact of our work. This is the third of a three-part photo series, with all photos credited to Fabeha. 

Nur, 68, has eight family members and arrived in Bangladesh three years ago. He regularly visits our Age Friendly Space with his wife where they receive free doctor consultations and medicine. Here, he is given a nutritious supplement.

Jubeda, 63, receives regular services from our Age Friendly Space. She arrived with her family three years ago and lives with nine family members in a one bedroom tarpaulin tent.

Every day I feel fear. We are already living vulnerably. There is little support for elderly people like us. This is the only space we have here now. When I visit this place, I feel relief, I feel secure. The care giver provider behaves nicely with us and listen to our need. Everywhere I see, I find people of my age. I am worried for coming days, what would happen to us as the outbreak of this disease is so frightening.

Ummat, 70, waits for his call to visit the doctor in our Age Friendly Space.

I am coming here to receive health care services. All of friends from our camp also visiting this place. We are very grateful for this support. I do not have to rely on my children now, because they are also struggling as they cannot work in the camp. This support is helping us to survive.

Abdul, 78, regularly visits our Age friendly Space with his wife. They receive various facilities for free including doctor consultation and free medicine.

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Last updated: Jun 18 2021

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