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Ukraine conflict: Ekaterina's story

Ekaterina, 70, is a widow. Her husband died last year after a long illness and her two daughters are married and now live in Russia, so she is alone. When Ekaterina was younger she worked as a nurse and midwife before retiring.

Ekaterina told us that in 2011 she fractured her hip due to osteoporosis and that as the military conflict began in 2014, her health got worse, both physically and mentally.

Here she tells us about the current situation in Ukraine and how our partner HelpAge is supporting her.

Ekaterina, 70, Ukraine © HelpAge

I am feeling very lonely. Because of the conflict, my daughters can't come to me. And I can't visit them, as I am afraid to abandon my house. I keep in touch with my daughters only by phone.

I live on the line of contact, where they shoot almost every day. The shelling is what worries me the most. What if they hit the house, and blast the windows, roof, doors out? Who will help me? I am no longer young, and I will not be able to restore all this myself.

Prices have risen, many products are not in the store at all. It is important for me that I continue to receive my pension regularly and that shops do not close.

I wish people would not leave the village, there are very few of us left here anyway. Only older people stayed, the younger ones all left.

My communication is limited, as it is difficult for me to move around. A volunteer helps me to get to the store. To get to a pension fund or a hospital, I need to go to another city, which is very problematic for me.

I need to have something to eat and to heat the house. And I wish they would stop shooting.

If the war starts and they shoot hard, I will go down to the basement. There are safe places in the village, but first you need to get there, and it may not be safe.

I know that in the most difficult situation I can always turn to a volunteer, and she won’t refuse me. Many thanks to HelpAge International volunteer Elena, who is coming to talk to me in difficult times, supporting me, helping me buy medicines and food, and telling me about the latest news in the village. I think that HelpAge volunteers will not leave us in trouble, there is only hope for them.

I want to wish all a peaceful sky, warm bread, clean water, and no war

Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal

Age International has been working in Ukraine since 2014, and uniquely positioned to deliver a widescale emergency response to the crisis. We're delivering aid to older people and those who need it the most inside Ukraine and to those who have been able to flee to neighbouring countries.

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Last updated: Aug 24 2022

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