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The Wait for Rain in East Africa

Published on 12 October 2022 01:34 PM

East Africa Appeal

East Africa is experiencing its worst drought in decades and more than 20 million people are on the verge of starvation. Please help to provide lifesaving support to older people and their families.

Catastrophic drought in East Africa has stripped Abu Boru (68) of his livelihood, leaving him hungry and in urgent need of emergency aid.

Age International are appealing for donations so that older people and their families can access food and water supplies.

Abu Boru lives in the Dubluk district of Southern Ethiopia with his family. Escaping conflict in his home village, he moved his family and livestock to Dubluk ten years ago to rebuild his life as a cattle farmer.

Over the years, Abu Boru worked tirelessly, breeding cattle to provide for his children and grandchildren under demanding conditions. His herd grew and grew, and he subsequently gained respect amongst the settler community in Dubluk by sharing his milk and helping others.

Within three months of the drought hitting, Abu Boru lost most of his cattle, leaving him with just four. Abu Boru was proud of all he had achieved, but now his barn lies nearly empty, bearing a daily reminder of the struggle and loss he and his family continue to face.

“My life completely changed when I lost my cows. My family and I used to drink milk. Now, we have nothing to eat.” 

Abu Boru tells us that it is not unusual to wait for the rains to come but he never expected to be in the situation he now faces. Food is scarce and he is tormented with worry that neither he, his family or his cattle will survive the drought.  

“If we don’t get emergency food support, I think what happened to our cows could happen to all of us especially older people like me.”

The wait for rain is now overshadowed by the urgent need for emergency support in East Africa. As crops dry up and livestock die, millions face starvation. Older people like Abu Boru have so little they can only eat one meal per day.

In Ethiopia your donation could help older people with an emergency cash grant so that they can buy the food they need for themselves and their families. It could also help us deliver clean water to the communities who need it most urgently.

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Last updated: Jun 19 2024

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