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Older people experience humanitarian crises differently, warns charity

Older person carrying a food pack in the Philippines

Published on 10 May 2016 06:30 AM

Older people are experiencing humanitarian crises uniquely -  therefore emergency response must adapt, according to a new survey.

300 people aged 60 and over were interviewed for the survey: 100 Syrian refugees in Lebanon; 100 displaced older people in eastern Ukraine; and 100 older people living in camps for internally displaced people in South Sudan.

‘This report is the latest in a growing body of evidence indicating that the marginalisation of older people is a major challenge for the humanitarian system,’ says Chris Roles, Managing Director of Age International.

‘With age, it became harder and harder’

Anatoly, 89, in eastern Ukraine

For people like Anatoly, 89, in eastern Ukraine, the current fighting has brought back memories from his childhood: ‘I was a young person during the Second World War. I never dreamed that I’d be living through yet another war at my age now.’

‘When I was young, I did everything at home myself: repairs, wiring, painting and plastering. With age, it became harder and harder. Fatigue is increasingly common and that worries me.’

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