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Age International to help older survivors of the Indonesia tsunami

Published on 04 October 2018 12:01 AM

Age International, as a member of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC), is launching the Indonesia Tsunami Appeal to help people affected by the tsunami and earthquakes which struck the Indonesian island of Sulawesi at the end of September.

Impact of the Tsumani

Over 1,400 people have died, and over 70,000 people have lost their home. Over 200,000 people are in urgent need of basic supplies such as food, water or medical provisions. These figures are expected to rise as more remote communities are reached.

Older people can be forgotten in humanitarian response

All too often, older people’s needs are forgotten during times of emergency. Older women and men can be among the most vulnerable, yet don’t get counted. Humanitarian aid can be delivered in ways that make it difficult for older people to access due to disability or frailty. Medical supplies often do not take into account the chronic illnesses that can be common in later life.

How we are responding

Age International is responding with HelpAge International and our partners in Indonesia. We are aiming to deliver healthcare that is suited to older people, food that is easy to chew and digest, and essential items to replace destroyed possessions, such as blankets, mattresses, clothing and cooking equipment.

Chris Roles, Managing Director of Age International, said: “It is urgent that we respond to the devastating impact the earthquakes and the tsunami have had on older women and men in Sulawesi. In emergencies like these, they will be among the most vulnerable and risk being forgotten. Imagine being 85 years old and being forced to flee while carrying your possessions, and when you may have difficulty walking, seeing, or hearing well. Age International is committed to making sure their needs are met and that they are given the help they need to rebuild their lives.”

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