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Cyclone Idai: Age International to help older survivors

Cyclone Idai survivors wait for aid in Mozambique

Published on 19 March 2019 06:00 PM

Age International is reaching out to older survivors of Cyclone Idai with specialist emergency aid.

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Tropical Cyclone Idai created unthinkable devastation in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Over 2.5 million people are affected. All three governments are calling for international aid.

Age International is responding in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Our partners are helping us target the most vulnerable and isolated people over the age of 60, who are suffering in the wake of the disaster.

What happened when Cyclone Idai hit?

Cyclone Idai caused landslides and flooding across three countries in Southern Africa. Homes and agricultural fields have been destroyed, livestock washed away.

Farmers - most of whom are older - were expecting a bumper harvest of crops this year. But it has all been destroyed. 

Older people are particularly vulnerable during crises like this. They need specialist age-friendly aid, which Age International and partners are experts at providing.

The scale of this crisis means it will take time to recover from Cyclone Idai. But aid is getting through. Please, donate and help today.

How will donations to Age International help people in need?

Donations made to Age International are helping to provide: 

  • Clean water
  • Food
  • Emergency hygiene kits
  • Clothes, mattresses, and sheets

Age International is also supporting outreach teams to deliver healthcare in all three countries. Teams are made up of a combination of nurses, social workers, and trained volunteers. They travel to hard-to-reach areas to deliver:

  • Health support
  • Care at home
  • Psychosocial support for trauma
  • Referral to other key services

In the longer term, we will focus on supporting older people to get back to normal life by helping older farmers to replant crops and supporting people to rebuild their homes. 

As always, we will champion the voices of older people on the ground to make sure they are not left out of aid efforts.

What happens after you've lost everything?

Tsai and her husband were badly injured during the cyclone. Her daughter can no longer farm. But they have not given up hope. Read about the older people fighting to survive after Cyclone Idai. 

Read the full story

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Whether with better healthcare, a secure income or life-saving aid – your gift could help change lives.

Age International in emergencies

We are specialists in age-friendly humanitarian aid. Our programmes focus on the inclusion of older people and people with disabilities.

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Last updated: Mar 01 2022

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