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Age International statement: Beirut explosion

Published on 05 August 2020 05:00 PM

We are thinking of the people of Beirut following the tragic disaster that took place on 4 August 2020. We have been in touch with our colleagues and partners in Beirut and they are safe. The effects of the explosion will have a huge impact on the days, weeks and years to come. 

The massive explosion killed over 130 people, injured thousands more and left half of the city destroyed. People have lost loved ones, their homes and livelihoods. In a country already deep in crisis on multiple fronts and struggling to deal with the effects of COVID-19, political instability and an ongoing economic crisis - this will have devasting effects for the most vulnerable and marginalised older people and their families who live there.

Age International 

In the aftermath of emergencies like this, older people are often forgotten.  Age International is there reaching those older and vulnerable people with provisions and services specially adapted to their needs, for example food packages and shelters that that are accessible to everyone and healthcare specifically targeted at geriatric conditions.

On the ground in Beirut

Our partners in Lebanon are already helping older people affected by the explosion and its aftermath, and they will continue to respond in the coming weeks and months.

 If you would like to support older people at this devastating time, please donate here.


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Last updated: Aug 07 2020

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