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Age International statement on vaccine equity

Published on 11 March 2021 12:00 AM

Since the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced COVID-19 as a pandemic nearly a year ago, we have seen billions of people across the globe fight the virus, lose loved ones and struggle against the effects of not only coronavirus, but also the restrictions to stop it spreading. 

The response to the pandemic has generated an unprecedented global effort to develop safe and effective vaccines at scale and speed. But as vaccines roll out around the globe, it is vital that the right to vaccination is shared across all populations, in all countries, rich or poor. 

Older people are at particular risk from COVID-19 and we must ensure that their rights are protected and that they have access to a life-saving vaccine alongside others. 

Age International has joined stakeholders from across the world and signed the World Health Organisation’s Vaccine Equity Declaration.

 We support the calls for #VaccineEquity in every country, starting with those at highest risk for #COVID19. Together with our partner, HelpAge International, we support the call for collective action, and global cooperation to ensure equitable access to vaccines so that no older person is left behind. 

You can read more about the work of HelpAge International on vaccine equity here.

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Last updated: Mar 11 2021

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