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Why older people's rights are human rights and need protecting

Published on 24 March 2022 10:59 AM

On the Thursday 3rd March 2020, Age International together with AgeUK hosted a webinar promoting the rights of older people globally. 

An exciting panel of experts from across the sector with expert knowledge and specialist background on the rights of older people convened to unpick the challenges that older people experience, and to pinpoint the crucial steps that policymakers must now take to ensure these injustices are addressed in the final decade of the 2030 Agenda.

Watch the webinar here

This online webinar used The Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People (GAROP)  ‘Age With Rights’ campaign as a starting point for discussion. Given the disappointing attendance from governments at the OEWG11 and the worrying lack of progress since the last session, greater public and media mobilisation is necessary to build pressure on governments to take concrete action.

We created a space where stakeholders can reflect on and respond to the barriers, concerns and aspirations in recognising older people's rights and the important role a new UN convention would play; deepening our collective thinking on how to strengthen government and international actors’ policy response.

Older women: the hidden workforce

Globally, older women are contributing unrecognised yet critical support to their families, communities and economies through their paid and unpaid work. Our report, Older women: the hidden workforce gives voice to older women’s experience of work and sets out recommendations for how to address this inequality.

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Last updated: Apr 25 2024

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