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Age International launches election campaign on championing older people’s rights

Published on 12 June 2024 10:26 AM

As the UK General Election approaches, Age International is launching a campaign asking its supporters to contact election candidates within their local area to ensure that the rights of older people everywhere are a priority for the next Government.

Age International is asking UK constituents to write to their election candidates, urging them to champion the rights of older people locally, nationally, and internationally.

From Manchester to Mbeya, Aberdeen to Addis Ababa, older people around the world face challenging circumstances – from conflict to climate change, loneliness to poverty.

These challenges are highlighted by Age International in its election manifesto, ‘Building A Better World for Older People’, published in April.

The manifesto sets out five calls to action for how the next UK Government can, once elected, achieve change for older people worldwide.

The manifesto includes the experiences of older people in Moldova, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Syria and beyond. It also highlights examples of progress from the work of Age International and its partners.

Now, Age International is asking members of the public to show their support by filling out a simple form that generates an email to the election candidates in their area – telling the candidates why older people worldwide matter to them.

Alison Marshall, CEO of Age International, urges supporters to take part:

"It’s vital there are MPs in the next Parliament dedicated to standing up for older people. We know that politicians are more likely to champion an issue if it clearly matters to the people they represent. The UK public has an important role to play in showing that older people everywhere in the world count, so I would urge you to join our movement and take our simple action today. Help to create a better world for older people."

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Last updated: Jun 12 2024

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