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Age International launches manifesto championing older people's rights worldwide

Published on 25 April 2024 09:00 AM

Help build a better world for older people

Follow a few simple steps to ask your next MP to champion older people worldwide

“My future is bright because I have support. I am not isolated or scared. Life would have been difficult. I would have been stuck at home without any medication. Instead I get to join up with other people and get treatment to improve my condition.” 

Augustin, 66, Tanzania

In the lead up to a General Election, Age International is calling on the next UK Government to ensure all older people’s rights are protected and contributions recognised.

By 2050, there will be 2 billion people aged 60 and over. Older people have much to offer to their families and their communities, but often their needs and human rights are overlooked.

Our 2024 manifesto, ‘Building A Better World For Older People’, outlines the specific challenges faced by older people in low and middle-income countries. We have five calls to action for the next UK Government to improve the lives of older people around the world. These reflect our work in over 30 countries, and show how the Government can play a part in achieving change:  

  1. Make history by championing older people’s rights globally
    The next UK Government has the chance to make history by championing the creation of a United Nations Convention on the Rights of Older Persons – making protecting older people’s rights a legal obligation across the globe and building a fairer future for all.

  2. Tackle gender inequality for women of all ages globally 
    Tackling gender inequality means protecting the rights of all women and girls, and ensuring they don’t experience further discrimination in later life. The UK Government should drive forward gender equality for women of all ages, helping to create a world where everyone can thrive. 

  3. Strengthen global healthcare to maximise wellbeing in later life
    Improving GP access and reducing hospital waiting lists are a top priority for older people in the UK. Better access to healthcare is a priority for older people in low and middle-income countries too. The UK Government must deliver on supporting universal health coverage and strengthening health systems for all.  

  4. Ensure international development, humanitarian and climate policy and practice include older people
    Older people are among those most affected by climate change and growing levels of conflict across the world, but they are often overlooked. The UK Government must include older people in planning and policy decisions.

  5. Make older lives visible by including them in data collection and analysis 
    It’s profoundly wrong that the lives of older people, and those most in need of support, are invisible to those with the power to make change. The UK Government must ensure older people are counted when data is collected, policy is written, and plans are made. 

Our manifesto also provides examples of progress, showing that change is possible. We can see the positive impact of our work with partner organisations around the world, from a more inclusive pension system in Malawi to a countrywide strategy for older people’s health in Tanzania. However, more action must be taken to ensure the rights and needs of all older people are recognised and respected.  
Alison Marshall, CEO of Age International, says: "We want all older people to be able to thrive, have their voices heard, their needs met and their rights protected. Older people have much to offer yet face many barriers. We are calling on the next UK Government to pave the way to a fairer future, and our manifesto outlines the steps to achieve this." 
Join us in calling on the next UK Government to take the lead in creating a better world for older people. Help put their rights firmly on the agenda for political leaders.

Building A Better World For Older People

Read Age International's manifesto

Change for older people worldwide

Learn about our five calls to action and recommendations

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Last updated: Jun 12 2024

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