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Nearly 10,000 People Call on Government to Advocate for Older People

Published on 13 September 2023 01:00 PM

Today, representatives from Age International and NSINDAGIZA, our partner in Rwanda, handed in an open letter to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office calling on government support for older people’s healthcare worldwide.  

The letter, signed by nearly 10,000 people, asks the UK government to ensure older people are included in commitments made at the UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage on the 21st of September 2023.  

Universal Health Coverage means everyone, everywhere, has access to affordable health systems. Older people often face barriers to healthcare, often with systems failing to meet their individual needs and a lack of investment in specific long term health conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis. Health coverage is a basic human right, and can only be truly universal if it includes people of all ages 

Thank you to everyone who signed our letter and called on the UK government to ensure older people’s health rights are not forgotten. Watch the video of the hand in below.   

Universal Health Coverage open letter hand in

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Last updated: Oct 17 2023

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