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Publications and briefings

Find a range of useful documents detailing the issues facing those in later life around the world. 

Building A Better World For Older People

Many older people’s basic needs are not being met and their human rights are overlooked. Age International’s 2024 manifesto, ‘Building A Better World For Older People’, presents five calls to action for the next UK Government to achieve change for older people.

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Help us build a better world for older people

It’s vital there are MPs in the next UK Government committed to standing up for older people worldwide. Will you write to your election candidates?

'Universal Health Coverage for All Ages: An Agenda for Action'

Our new report makes the case for age-inclusive health systems strengthening, drawing on our experience working with older people worldwide and making recommendations for UK international development.

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Older women: the hidden workforce

Globally, older women are contributing unrecognised yet critical support to their families, communities and economies. Our report sets out recommendations to address this inequality.

If not now, when?

Older people are marginalised and in some cases excluded by humanitarian aid response. Our report provides recommendations for humanitarian actors, donors and agencies.

Older citizen monitoring

Achievements and learning from our Older citizen monitoring (OCM), which involves older people at grassroots level monitoring the implementation of policies and services affecting their lives.

Facing the Facts

Download Age International's flagship publication - which draws together 25 high-profile thought leaders on the areas of ageing and international development. 

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