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What we do

Your donations are helping older people in some of the world's poorest places to be happier, healthier and treated with dignity. Explore some of the issues we work on below.  

Since it was created in 2012, Age International has established a strong reputation, helping to change policies and support millions of older people. In 2024 we rolled out a new organisational strategy to deliver even more for older people.

Saving lives in emergencies

Older people are particularly vulnerable during conflicts, crises and natural disasters - yet they are often forgotten. We help them to survive.

Supporting independence at home

Independence is important at all ages. Find out how your donations are helping people to see, to walk, and to hear - in some of the world's poorest places.

Improving geriatric healthcare

Discover how - in countries where healthcare is stretched and limited - we make sure people can see specalist doctors and get the care that they need.

Carolina, who has dementia, poses for a photo with her carer

Care at home

Not everyone can be cared for by their family, which is why we train and support carers who visit extremely vulnerable older people in their homes.

Empowering older women

Women experience ageism on top of sexism in later life. We aim to amplify older women's voices and protect the right to equality at all ages.

Protecting pensions and benefits

We campaign for pensions around the world. Where benefits do exist, we make sure there are no barriers to people claiming what they are owed.

Investing in small businesses

Older people often struggle to secure loans, due to discrimination. Discover how we help them - and what a difference it makes to local communities.

Helping people to see again

Our free cataract operations are helping to cure one of the world’s most common ageing eyesight problems, for some of the world’s poorest people.

Help build a better world for older people

Follow a few simple steps to ask your next MP to champion older people worldwide

Give a gift today

Please, help us to be there for the people who are so often forgotten by others.

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